Antonio, Science, 1st Eso
Students have moved from vertebrate to invertebrate animals and we did the same activity as last week. Students were given a card with a picture of a invertebrate animal and had to write 4-5 sentences describing it with vocabulary they had learned before. Students then volunteered to read their descriptions in front of class having the other students guess which animal they were describing.
Antonio, Science, 2nd Eso
Antonio gave a quick 15 minute introduction to stem cells and how their role differs from other specialized cells. Students then had a series of questions that they had to respond to in written form and had to turn in before the end of class. I helped the students with their writing as well as reiterating parts of the content that were unclear.
OvO, Antonio
I went over notes I had taken during his mini-lecture and we worked on some basic pronunciation. We then continued to work on editing the content (lecture slides and questions) that he has developed for the current and future unit.
Ana, English, 2nd Eso
After realizing last week that the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special was too high of an English level for the students I put together a Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt. Students were given a handout with 15 questions. I then showed them the 4 websites posted below and told them that they could answer all of the questions using these websites. This proved to be more difficult then I thought it would be and almost all of the students didn't finish in class.
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