Eliseo, Gym, 2nd Eso
We played the same frisbee activity as we did with 1st Eso the day before. I explained the activity in full.
Gustavo, Math, 2nd Eso
I have a quick presentation on tips to giving presentations. Students then gave presentations on word problems they had created.
Alfonso, Social Studies, 1st Eso
Worked on pronunciation of weather vocabulary.
Alfonso, Social Studies, 2nd Eso
Read a passage about the Vikings. I read, I picked on a student to repeat, and Alfonso did vocabulary on the board.
OvO, Alfonso
Talked about the European Union and the Irish bailout.
Silvia, Art, 2nd Eso
Gave presentation on light and color and how it can be used effectively to make cool special affects. Showed the students two videos of professional artists who do spectacular things with lights (below).
night lights from thesystemis on Vimeo.
lights on from thesystemis on Vimeo.
Antonio, Science, 1st Eso
Students continued to practiced vocabulary with invertebrates by writing and presenting a description of a animal.
Antonio, Science, 2nd Eso
I listened and took notes on Antonio's 20 minute lecture about reproduction. I then helped students complete a worksheet which was all in English
OvO, Antonio
Went over notes I took on his presentation. We then edited a new set of handouts for the students.
Ana, English, 2nd Eso
We went over the answers to the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving handout from two weeks ago. We then watched my Thanksgiving video (below) and talked further about Thanksgiving, especially the food.
OvO, Gustavo
Edited students' word problems that they had sent to Gustavo. We then edited a handout that he will be giving the students in the next week or two.
Juanma, Technology, 2nd Eso
Students had an exam, therefore I was not needed in class.
Silvia, Art, 1st Eso
I gave a presentation talking about the Four Elements of Art: points, lines, texture, and planes. We used three artists as examples and talked about a few of their pieces.
Cool light shows!!!!